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General Information  for Bus Chaperones


Please bring: 

  • Your cell phone 

  • Warm clothing if it’s a cold day – the Boathouse is not heated. 

  • A chair and binoculars if you want to sit and watch practice.


Your responsibilities: 

  • Ride from MHS to Thompson Boat Center (TBC):  

    • Please be at the front entrance of McLean High School (MHS) no later than 3:15 PM when the buses should arrive. 

    • Contact Chaperone Coordinator Rashmi Mathur at (202) 557-4904 if: 

      • Buses are not in parking lot by 3:15 PM 

      • You have any other problems or questions. 

    • Buses will depart MHS at 3:30. Rowers know to be on the bus by this time; chaperones are not responsible for taking roll.

      Once at TBC and before leaving the bus, get the bus driver’s phone number and confirm the pick-up time and location.

    • As students leave the bus, remind them to pick up all of their trash.

    • Upon arrival at TBC, please check with both the boys and girls coaches to determine if they need you to oversee any part of land training while you wait for practice to be done.

    • Spring break bus arrival and departure times are different than the standard practice times. 


  • Return to MHS:  

    • If you are not needed by the coaches at the boathouse, be back at the sundial between the boathouse and the Swedish Embassy by 6:25PM to help load the buses for departure. Athletes should arrive at the sundial by 6:30 PM.

    • (During the first few weeks before the Daylight Savings Time Change, be back at the sundial by 6:10 PM to help load the buses for departure. Athletes should arrive at the sundial by 6:15 PM.)

    • Bus should be back at MHS about 7:15 PM. Inform Bus Coordinator Rashmi Mathur if the bus will be more than 15 minutes delayed.

    • Remind the students to gather up any trash and personal items and remove them from the bus.

    • If you find any personal items, give them to your rower to announce the next day on the bus. 


  • Ensure students follow these guidelines while on the bus: 

    • Students must clean up their own garbage.

    • Students must remain seated on the buses and may not sit backwards in the bus seats or lean over the backs of the seats. 

    • Undressing, excessive noise, foul language, inappropriate physical contact or conversation topics are all prohibited. 

    • Students must listen to the bus driver for any other safety instructions and treat the adult volunteers with respect.




  • If school is canceled, practice is canceled.

  • If practice is shifted to MHS, Chaperone 1 as designated in the SUG will need to serve as the boys' study hall monitor at MHS from 3:15 - 4:30. Room S125  in MHS has been reserved for this purpose. If the door to Room 125 is locked, please ask a janitor or school staff member to open it. 

  • If practice is canceled, we will not provide volunteer credits. If practice is shifted to MHS, only the individual serving as study hall chaperone will receive a credit.

  • It is not the job of the chaperones to discipline the students. Refer any problems to one of the coaches. ​

  • You can bring your non-rower child with you on the bus, but not anyone else’s child.



Can’t make your shift? 

If you cannot make your shift, you must find a substitute from among badged volunteers. You should then call or text Rashmi Mathur at (202) 557-4904 with the name and phone number of the person who will be doing your shift for you. Looking at the bus chaperone SUG, which has individuals signed up to serve as emergency back-ups, is a good place to start.


This is very important as there are 10 volunteers a week and if just one of them fails to show up or find a substitute, our rowers won’t be able to practice that day.

Make your tax deductible gift today

We depend on support from generous individuals like you to help fund our rowing program for McLean High School students. Your gift helps our program purchase shells and launches, pay for bus transportation and regatta fees, and keep dues as low as possible. Thank you for your generous contribution.

McLean Crew Club, Inc. is a 501(c)(3) organization
Our Federal Tax ID # is 54-1834730

 Our VA Tax Exempt form is HERE

Our VA Solicitation Exception is HERE

PO Box 7104

McLean, VA 22106

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