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The Stotesbury Cup Regatta has been held continuously since 1927. Over the years, races and trophies have been added to the regatta, culminating in today’s 31 championship events. What began as a local Philadelphia “Cup Race” quickly evolved into a full-fledged regatta that today endures as the largest high school rowing regatta in the world.


Exceptionally fine crews from all parts of the United States and Canada travel to the Schuylkill River in Philadelphia to participate in the Stotesbury Cup Regatta. Over 5,000 competitors meet at the Athletes Village to experience both the spirit of rowing competition as well as the physical challenge of pitting themselves against the very finest crews rowing at the high school level. Their achievements draw a crowd of nearly 10,000 spectators.


2024 Stotesbury Cup Regatta
(Select Boats Only)

Athlete Fee

The fee is $430 per rower/coxswain and covers bus transportation, lodging, regatta fees & expenses and most meals.

Rowers designated as alternates pay 50% but should pay in full now and then will receive a refund after the trip. 
The Stotesbury Fee is due by May 11.


 Team Dinner

Friday night's team dinner is at the hotel with Italian food catered by the hotel. This dinner includes athletes, chaperones, and coaches. Guests and parents are welcome to join for an additional charge of $35 per person (use Payment button above for Friday Dinner Guest Payment) by May 11th. 


Luggage & Thursday Dress

Athletes' luggage must be dropped off at school in a room TBD Thursday morning starting at 7:30 am, for luggage check. The luggage will be kept secure in the room until it's loaded on to the bus. Athletes will NOT have access to luggage until check-in at the hotel (after rowing and dinner at the food tent). Everyone should board the bus dressed to row, with crew bag as needed. Bus will go directly to the water for unloading, rigging and a practice row in Philadelphia.



Spending Money

Stotesbury regatta wear is available for purchase online HERE.  Team members should bring spending money if they plan to shop at the many vendors set up at Stotesbury Vendor Village.


Spectator Lodging

Spectators will be responsible for securing their own lodging. The block of rooms for parents is already full. Please contact the hotel directly to secure a reservation.



We will have bus transportation to and from the regatta for athletes. Per FCPS regulations, no athletes will be allowed to drive to or from the regatta in a car driven by anyone other than their own parents, another athlete’s parents (with written permission from their own parents) or by a vehicle driven by a designated chaperone.


*Athletes are welcome to make the return trip to McLean with their parents ONLY after being released by their COACH (shell/gear loaded for the return to McLean) AND checking out in person with their CHAPERONE.


Notifying the school:
May 16 and 17 absences

Athletes should give all teachers advance notice regarding their absence from school on May 16th (after 3rd period) and May 17th (full day) for the Stotesbury Cup Regatta.


The roster will be provided to the Attendance Office. MHS Administration, Student Services and teachers will review/approve (or disapprove) the athlete's absences in advance of the trip.


Parking at Stotesbury

Please review the regatta website for information about parking. Kelly Drive is closed during the regatta to permitted vehicles only. All other traffic will be directed to open parking lots for the event at a fee.


If staying at the DoubleTree Hotel, parking is $20/night at the hotel. Family members may ride the team bus to the event, space permitting.

Look for the MCC Food Tent with the tall flag and other banners. We will send out specific location information upon our arrival Thursday. 


Athlete Lodging

The team will be staying at the DoubleTree - Philadelphia Airport Hotel
4509 Island Avenue
Philadelphia, PA 19153
(215) 365-4150


Hotel rooms for rowers, coxswains, coaches, and chaperones have been arranged by the club and will be paid out of the Stotesbury Fee. The club covers the full hotel cost for chaperones sharing a room with another chaperone. Chaperones not sharing a room with another chaperone will pay $169 for the hotel. 


Athletes should bring a bag lunch for Thursday's bus ride. Thursday snacks and dinner will be provided at the Team's Tent. 

Friday breakfast will be provided at the hotel.  Lunch and snacks will be provided at the Team's Tent. Friday Night Team Dinner is at the hotel. 


Saturday breakfast will be provided at the hotel with lunch and snacks available at the Team's Tent. Depending on the time, Saturday dinner will be provided at the Team's Tent. However in case the regatta runs late, please bring money for dinner on the bus ride home.


Bulk water will be available at the food tent so athletes and spectators should bring reusable water bottles.


What to pack

Photo ID required. Complete uniform - uni and tech shirt - required to row. Be prepared for all weather conditions, with layers for rainy or cold weather, appropriate footwear for rain and walking, sunscreen, headgear, sunglasses.


Volunteers Needed

It isn't a crew event if we don't ask for volunteers. If you are planning on attending (with a car) please consider how you can lend a hand. 

  • Please sign up for a volunteer slot here. 

  • We need 6 chaperones, one for each boat.

  • Chase car for bus to or from Philly.

  • Tow car for the chuck wagon to or from Philly.

  • Ice/water manager: keep water and ice stocked for food tent during regatta.

  • Food tent preparation and sous chef/grill master assistants: help set up, prep and serve food at our tent at the race venue.


Please contact Heather at if you have any questions.


  Tentative Itinerary  

Thursday, May 16


7:30 am           Athletes drop off luggage at the MHS Dance Room for storage and inspection.

11:00 am          Bus arrives MHS, front entrance.
11:15 am            3rd Period ends. Athletes load luggage on bus.

11:30 am          Bus departs MHS for Philadelphia.

3:00 pm          Arrive Boathouse Row, unload, rig and swing row.

6:00 pm          Dinner at food tent (Catered by Raymond's).

7:00 pm          Bus to hotel DoubleTree - Philadelphia Airport, Philadelphia for check-in.

Friday, May 17


6:00 am          Breakfast buffet/bagged.

6:30 am          Bus departs hotel for Boathouse Row, Philadelphia.

8:00 am          Time trials for all events from 8:00 am until approximately 3:00 pm.

                          After a 30 minute break, some semi-final races will be held until 6:00-6:30 pm.

11:30 am          Lunch provided at food tent.

6:00 pm          Depart Boathouse Row for hotel.

7:00 pm          Team dinner at the hotel.

Saturday, May 18


6:00 am          Breakfast and Check-out of hotel (time subject to change).

6:30 am          Bus departs for Boathouse Row.

8:00 am          Semi-finals continue.

11:00 am          Lunch provided by food tent.

12-12:30 pm   Finals begin.

3-4:00 pm     Dinner provided at food tent.

TBD/4:30pm Depart Philadelphia after last boat has competed -- late afternoon/early evening.


Arrive at McLean High School 3.5 – 4 hours after departure


Note - please follow the written instructions below.

Do NOT try to navigate with a phone or mobile app as the directions will not address the road closure on Kelly Drive.   

  • Take I-95 North through Wilmington to Philadelphia International Airport and follow signs for Phila Center City via Route I-76 or Schuylkill Expressway.

  • Take exit, I-76, Schuylkill Expressway, west. This takes you across the Penrose Ave. Bridge across Schuylkill, a.k.a. Route 291.

  • As soon as you come down bridge get in left lane, as you will turn left at first light onto 26th Street.

  • This will take you directly onto I-76 west. Follow I-76 about 8 miles, past Boathouse Row and the race course.

  • Follow I-76 West to exit 340A on the right.

  • Take this exit, turn right at foot of exit and get in the left lane as you go over City Avenue Bridge across the Schuylkill River.

  • Stay left and follow signs for Kelly Drive.

  • The ramp will spiral downwards in a counter-clockwise direction and will merge you onto Kelly Drive, southbound.Be very careful, especially if you are pulling a boat trailer on this tight, descending curve!

  • Move to right lane of Kelly Drive after merging at the bottom of the spiral.

  • Take Kelly Drive past four traffic lights.

  • Continue another 3/4 mile to the Athlete’s Village near the Three Angels.

  • OR, continue two miles on Kelly Drive to Boathouse Row and Regatta Headquarters at #4 Boathouse Row.

Make your tax deductible gift today

We depend on support from generous individuals like you to help fund our rowing program for McLean High School students. Your gift helps our program purchase shells and launches, pay for bus transportation and regatta fees, and keep dues as low as possible. Thank you for your generous contribution.

McLean Crew Club, Inc. is a 501(c)(3) organization
Our Federal Tax ID # is 54-1834730

 Our VA Tax Exempt form is HERE

Our VA Solicitation Exception is HERE

PO Box 7104

McLean, VA 22106

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